The Right Questions by Debbie Ford
I recently ran across an older book by Debbie Ford entitled, The Right Questions- Ten Essential Questions to Guide You in an Extraordinary Life.
A quick but fun read that has huge impact on how you make small and large decisions in your life. As she so elegantly says, "We are where we are because of the decisions we make every day. If we want to better understand how we have created our present-day reality, all we need to do is look at the choices we made and continue to make along the way."
Asking yourself and others the simple question such as, "Is this decision leading you towards what you want in life or away from it?" makes you stop, think and make more conscious choices.
Each day we are making thousands of small decisions that will lead us towards the lives we love living. The journey itself is fantastic if we see ourselves making these empowered choices. No matter how long it takes to achieve our goals or dreams, if we can feel empowered everyday that we are on our way we begin to realize how wonderful the journey itself is as well as achieving and living our dreams.