October 2009
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6 Steps to Create the Lifestyle you Dream of,
If you can't make it, please download our podcast: 5 Steps to Creating what you want in life
What do you want in the next phase of life?
The first principle of creating what you want in your life is to align your thoughts with what you do indeed desire. Therefore if you are thinking of making some changes in parts of your life, it is very important that you create what you want not some old thought or tape that has been playing in your head for the past ten years.
Start, by asking yourself “What do I need?” “What’s missing?” “What is frustrating me so much, it is worth my effort to change it?” “What is draining you or impeding you from being who you want to be?”
Think big and don’t limit yourself
Take the time to get clear on what you want in your life, as you are creating what you focus on, whether you know it or not.
The American Dream is shifting
Excerpted from Introduction Chapter of upcoming book, From Rat Race to Change of Pace
Sarkozy, the President of France recently proposed that the G-20 world leaders join together in a "revolution" to shift the measurement of economic progress from gross domestic product to account for factors such as health-care availability and leisure time.
“The global financial crisis,” reports Sarkozy “doesn't only make us free to imagine other models, another future, and another world. It obliges us to do so," As early as 1972, the small Himalayan country of Bhutan announced that they were focusing on Gross National Happiness as their measure of development. It is based on the premise that the development of society takes place when both material and spiritual developments occur side by side and reinforce each other. It is not just one-sided stressing economic growth, both matter equally. The four pillars measured in Bhutan are sustainable development, preserve and promote cultural values, conserve the natural environment, and establish good governance. Not a bad way to measure development.
The American Dream, is being replaced with the New American Lifestyle. This lifestyle is based on quality of living indicators. It is no longer just about work, but about the total quality of the life we live. In 2005, the Economist developed an index based on nine quality of life indicators; material well-being, life expectancy, political stability and security, family life, community life, climate and geography, job security, political freedom, gender quality. The key in the study was to understand the interplay of modernity and tradition in determining life satisfaction. It didn’t matter how much money you had in the bank or how new your car was, but how secure you felt and satisfied you were with your overall life; physically, mentally, spiritually.
Sarkozy’s pitch is a sign that this trend towards living a healthy joyful life is not just a passing fad, but something that world leaders are recognizing as critically important to the economy.
To read the entire Introduction chapter go to Preamble: Pursuit of Happiness
Healthy Living The Biggest Reason to keep Fit!
We’ve all known about the benefits of keeping our weight under control when it comes to heart disease and diabetes. The latest research however is alarming when it comes to acquiring dementia as you age.
“People who were obese in mid-life were 74 percent more likely to have dementia, while overweight people were 35 percent more likely to have dementia, compared to those with normal weight, said lead investigator Rachel A. Whitmer, PhD, a research scientist with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, California."
See entire article
If there is another motivator to stay healthy and fit this is a huge one. By 2020 the number of people estimated to be diagnosed with dementia grows from 5 million today to 15 million.
Book of the Month Find Your Strongest Life
by Marcus Buckingham, 2009
Marcus Buckingham in his newest book, Find your Strongest Life, reports “In the past four decades, women have secured better job prospects, greater acknowledgement for achievement, wider influence, more free time, and higher salaries. And yet, recent studies reveal that women have gradually become less happy than they were 40 years ago, and less happy than men—and unlike men, they grow sadder as they get older.”
His latest research based book is a fresh look at using your strengths. Go online to his website and take the mini test to find out your strengths as a woman. What he then reports is those women who are successfully happy don’t just balance life, but focus their energy on using their strengths. Like his other books, this is a great personal read that might enlighten you or confirm what you already know about yourself.
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Bon Courage – Go with Courage
Suzanne and Jean-Pierre
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From corporate executive to business owner to lifestyle creator and lover of travel, Suzanne moves people to develop, grow, and create the life they want.
Co-author of The Consultative Approach, Partnering for Results! and upcoming book From Rat Race to Change of Pace co -written by Jean-Pierre Roux, Ph.D.
Check out Building Bridges from Writers to Readers 2009 SF Writer’s Conference Anthology. Dr. Suzanne is a contributor!
Visit Dr. Suzanne's Blog for ideas, tips, and thoughts on Living a Balanced Life and finding Joie de Vivre.
Read Dr. Suzanne’s column in the SF Examiner Online on Entrepreneurial Lifestyle