Zoe's School Plays

    On April 11, 2008, the Ecole Primare put on some marvelous plays in which the kids worked hard and long to prepare. The costumes, lighting, memorization, and acting were fantastic and much applause goes to the Theatre teacher who taught theatre once a week for 6 months. Zoe was in two plays. The first one about some princesses, one of whom she wanted to be, but  wasn't and the second play was a takeoff of Jules Verne Around the world in 80 days.


In order for me to prepare to see the play and understand it I read the script for three weeks prior with my French teacher making sure I understood what was going on and the humor involved. So much of it was slang and quick responses between characters I would have never understood it otherwise. Zoe had the role as one of the narrateurs and did a fabulous job. Following are a few photos, but to see more, go to the Photo Gallery Section of this Blog.

























