Life continues with a rhythm of its own

It's almost the end of May and the rhythm of life continues as the seasons change. The fields have turned bright green as the vineyards sprout their leaves, the poppies bounce among the fields as though they are playing a game of hopscotch, landing wherever they please and the rhythm of our days continue. Somehow we have found such joy in the simple rhythms of life here. If it's Sunday stores are closed and the day is about a long leisurely lunch and a walk or hike in nature. If it's Monday don't plan on doing too many errands as many stores are closed and life just begins to wake up after the weekend. Tuesday is a day of full blown work as Zoe-pascale stays at school for lunch as well. A full 8 hours except Yoga class and a coffee after take up two hours. Wednesday is activity day when Zoe-Pascale goes to ballet and I shop in the Biologic marche in Uzes, have coffee, read the paper and the two of us have a cup of tea together before heading home for lunch and then back out again for karate in the afternoon. Thursday is like Tuesday and Friday takes on a day of it's own with the St. Quentin marche, a visit with folks in the local cafe and a French lesson in the morning (of course in the cafe as well). In the afternoon, we work a bit to put in our 3 hours of productive time a day. Saturday morning  is school form many days (our 3 hours of productive time are done then) and in the afternoon we take a picnic a hike , a walk, or maybe a movie late in the day. The rhythm just keeps on going with a festival here and there, an invitation for drinks, a lunch out, or an errand to do, but for the most part it's quite a nice way to be.

In the meantime Jean and I are continuing to figure out what we want to do next and when to begin. Our major projects of  his Ph.D. dissertation and our book writing are not completed yet and so ...... we just don't know yet..... Maybe there is no need to rush... maybe it is just about living for now....


Such a beautiful sight to see on one of our country walks outside of town.

